How Non-Compliance with Discovery Rules Can Impact Your Case

Temporary Orders

In Utah family law cases, it’s crucial to understand the intricate details of court rules and procedures that govern the legal process. A recent case highlights the significance of adhering to these rules, particularly in the context of disclosure and discovery. Let’s delve into the case of Clark v. Clark, 2023 UT App 111 (Utah…

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Recent Success Story: Quashing a Subpoena Duces Tecum.

In the world of litigation, navigating the complexities of subpoenas and protecting sensitive financial information is a formidable challenge. Recently, I had the privilege of defending a client faced with a subpoena duces tecum requesting business bank statements. I quickly contacted the client’s employer, verified that she had no ownership interest in the business, and…

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What is the difference between sole and joint custody?

The Utah Court of Appeals recently addressed this issue in Blake v. Smith,  2023 Ut App. 78 (Utah Ct. App. 2023). The Utah Court of Appeals stated, that: As an initial matter, the Utah Code does not define “sole physical custody” or “sole legal custody.” Family law treatises consistently define custody as a bundle of…

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Understanding Dissipation Claims in Utah Divorce Cases

A divorce in Utah can be a complex and emotionally charged process, especially when it comes to the division of marital assets. One aspect that often arises during divorce proceedings in Utah is the issue of dissipation of assets. In a recent case, the Utah Court of Appeals ruled on a dissipation claim, shedding light…

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